Frequently asked questions.

Is this safe?

Your account info is completely secured. All data is deleted right after order completion and will not be stored anywhere on this website or outside of it. In the process of boosting your personal profile, or profile you will receive from us, we are not using any tools such as trainers, which are a typical reasons for bans, but we cannot guarantee that the account will not get banned.

If I purchase mod service for my personal account, do I lose my data?

The answer is no. Your current progress, cars, liveries, tunes, etc. Will not be touched. The only difference you’ll see will be a couple grand more credits, a few hundred million wheelspins, or cars from new update added to your garage :)

How long will the delivery take?

Instant delivery accounts take just a few seconds to arrive in your email inbox along with all (really simple & straightforward) instructions you’ll need. Custom services, such as adding credits can take up to few hours when our team is online, if not +/- 24 hours. Usually during FH5 updates we have to update our tools, so delayed deliveries are unfortunately expected during that period.

So, how does it all work?

Our services currently are only for Microsoft Store, Xbox one, Xbox Series S/X and Gamepass. Steam currently is not supported.
Depending on the service you are purchasing, we might require your cooperation with signing in to your account (login verification process), consulting details about your order etc. But other than that we will take care of everything, so you can sit back and wait until we finish your order :)

Do I need to purchase the game over again if I buy premade account from you?

No. As long as you own the game on your personal account, or even gamepass, the title and purchased dlcs are shared to every account across your PC or Xbox. Our accounts are only Xbox profiles and they DO NOT have games included! We do not sell any games!

I have more questions

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